Hello, I’m Rachel, a Florida girl living in Chattanooga, TN. I love bright colors and geometric shapes. I absolutely love making things, and have even more fun when I get to share some of my favorite projects and tutorials with you. If you want to learn more about me and Lines Across, follow me on Instagram or read this post: Be Aimlessly Creative. I believe that you don’t have to have a lot of time, money, or artistic talent in order to make beautiful things. All you need is a creative spark, a handful of materials, and a little bit of direction.
Be aimlessly creative. Spend the morning painting flowers, make something you found on Pinterest, or color pages from a coloring book just because you can. Take the time to learn something new. Skip the dishes one afternoon and make a mess instead. However, don’t compare yourself to others. Everyone is skilled and talented in different ways and being creative isn’t a competition. Sometimes the journey is more important than the destination. It shouldn’t always be easy, but your creative pursuits should bring you more joy than frustration. Of course you will make a lot of mistakes. I can’t tell you how many pages I’ve painted recently with watercolors that were total failures. And yet they weren’t failures because I learned something from each one.
My favorite things in life are making something, spontaneous adventures, and spending time with my family. And since I have three adorable little ones (Benjamin is 7, Lyla is 6, and Oliver is 3) most of my adventures these days happen close to home. Although I’m not always writing about my kids, they influence just about everything I do, and are often cute little helping mess making hands behind the scenes. And I also am so thankful for my husband Grant who watches the kids so that I can paint, who holds up backdrops for me to take pictures, and who has always supported my crazy creative endeavors.
If you want to follow along with Lines Across (and enjoy colorful pictures of things like scissors and sprinkles) follow @linesacross on Instagram. It is my favorite social media and the one where I have the strongest presence. I also share some behind the scenes moments and sneak peeks of upcoming projects on Snapchat (linesacross).