Have you ever noticed that the more a little kid likes something the more quickly laughter can turn to tears? For example we play this game with Benjamin where you hold onto his hands and progress from tiptoe to walk to run to fly down the hallway. 10 times out of 10 he cracks up where he can barely breathe. 10 times out of 10 this game ends in tears.
I love his laughter. I LOVE it when he says “Please” and he knows it. (He is also doing the baby sign for please).
Could anything be cuter? Why yes. The ONLY thing more adorable than one laughing baby is 2 laughing babies. Lyla adores her big brother and cracks up whenever he laughs. It is really fun now that she is getting to an age where they get to play together and interact. In this video Benjamin has discovered that he can throw a blanket over the light-sensored night light to get the light to come on for a brief second. Apparently this is hilarious.
Here are a few pictures from our simple weekend around the house.
We recently got a pack of multi-colored softball whiffle balls from Target. They have been a huge hit around the house.
Benjamin has started doing water-colors now. He has probably been ready for a while now but I only just thought of it. It really takes me back to my childhood. I forgot that watercolors have a very distinctive smell. My little artist.
Such precious moments. I can't wait until the day I have two laughing babies *god-willing*!