Top ten reasons I would love to be a baby
1. You could go to movies for free.
2. People are always buying you clothes.
3. You don’t have to wear pants.
4. Everyone thinks you are adorable, even if you have fat rolls and are having a bad hair day… especially if you have fat rolls and are having a bad hair day.
5. You don’t have to do dishes.
6. You could fall asleep out at the mall, and wake up back at home in your bed.
7. Stuffed Animals. Enough said.
8. Napping is your full time job. Eating, playing, and being cute are your part time jobs.
9. Everything is a toy to you.
10. Other people wash and brush your hair for you. It’s like you have your own personal live-in hair stylist.
#1 Reason I would rather be a mother – You get to experience all of the joy that your baby has as they discover new and exciting things every day… and take pictures of it 🙂
Awesome post, couldn't agree more!
This was great! I'd love just to fall asleep at the Food Court table & wake up in my own bed. Ha!