Ever since the cute little bundle of joy (known as the Pumpkin) arrived in March, it’s been harder to find time to spend with Benjamin and Lyla. Even though I’m with them all of the time, I usually have baby Oliver in my arms and I can be distracted. It’s important to me to make and spend quality time with just the two of them where I am completely focused on them, so we can play games together, read books, or do crafts. Lately, the new special time we’ve found is in the evenings. After Oliver is asleep in his crib, the kids and I spend time together before their bedtime. By the time I’ve gotten Oliver to sleep, the kids have already gotten their snack bowls for our good night snack. One of our favorite activities is the snack and craft – where we snack on Froot Loops while we make something fun with them, like these colorful caterpillars. #CollectiveBias
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