Happy Mother’s Day. We were out of town last week visiting family and friends. It was a lot of fun, but we’re happy to be home.

Welcome to Monday Funday!
Every Monday you can link up your crafts / DIY Ideas / recipes to not just one, but Five SIX awesome blogs:
& our newest co-host:
That’s right, SIX instead of 5 blogs! Here’s the deal, we decided it would be FUN to add a 6th rotating hostess to the Monday Funday crew! That’s 6x the exposure! So, ONE crafty link party extravaganza will happen on SIX blogs. Plus, each week one of us will choose projects to feature on all six blogs.
We will also be sharing links throughout the week on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. You can follow the Monday Funday party tweets at #MondayFundayParty !
This week’s features are being picked by our guest co-host, Laura of Finding Home
Well it sure has been fun co-hosting with this lovely and fun group of ladies – it is hard to imagine it has already been 6 weeks! Thank you so much ladies for including me!
This week, my co-hosts have been so gracious to ask me to share a few things about me and my blog.
My blog is all about the journey we are all on to making our homes a reflection of ourselves and our families – and what we find along the way. I share decorating ideas, projects and stories of our lives here in the Hudson Valley of NY.
Our home is traditional in style, with a whole of vintage touches and just a little hit of modern elements.
We have a farmhouse style kitchen that truly is the heart of our home..
I am always decorating a mantel..
I would love if you stopped by at findinghomeonline.com
or you can find me here!

(actually, if you would like to subscribe, just hop over to the blog!)
Now to this week’s features – and there were so many beautiful and fun projects!

Grab a FEATURED button if you were featured here this week or in the past:
@thecraftblogfollow // @linesacrossfollow // @uncommondesignsfollow // @chesayscherylfollow //@katiegoldsworthfollow //@LPatFindingHomefollow
We always tweet our favorite features from the party with the hashtag #mondayfundaypartyfollow. Use#mondayfundaypartyfollow and we will retweet you! And now it’s par-tay time!
A Few Things to Remember:
Please link to a specific post on your blog.
We’d love for you to pin the features, but please click through to the tutorial and pin from the original source!
By linking up to to Monday Funday you are giving the 6 blogs, listed above, the right to feature one of your photos on all of our SM outlets and blogs.
Click on lots of links and leave some comment love on posts you adore! That puts the FUN in Monday Funday!
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Thanks so much for the party, Alice @ Mums Make Lists x
Thanks for hosting. Happy Monday!
Thanks for hosting!
Thank you so much for featuring my watercolor silhouette art. You just made my day!