I love making pipe cleaner animals with for my kids. They’re still a little young to do them by themselves, but they like to help attach the eyes and love playing with the little animals I make. It’s been a long time since I shared a pipe cleaner tutorial, like these elephants, frogs, birds, and chameleons. These pipe cleaner bunnies are some of our favorites and they make a perfect craft for spring!
I made two different versions: one that sits upright and one that leans forward.
How to make upright pipe cleaner bunnies (above):
1. Tightly wrap a 12″ pipe cleaner around a cylindrical object like a pen or marker. Fold a second pipe cleaner in half and then bend back each side into a letter M (these will be your bunny ears).
2. Stick the letter M pipe cleaner through your coil.
3. Fold over the bottoms of the letter M into little bunny feet. You make have to adjust them a few times until your bunny stands upright.
4. Fold over the ears a little bit, and attach your bunny nose, tail, and eyes with glue.
These are stupid cute Rachel! I see some of these being made starting at the end of our week for Spring Break! What a great idea!
Who knew pipe cleaners could be so much fun?! And that they could transform into cute bunnies and carrots!? Well, Rachel did…that much is clear. 😉
This is a really fun Easter craft for kids, thanks for sharing!
How adorable are these? I might make these for our craft tomorrow. Cuteness!
These little guys are so cute!
The kids will love these cute little things!!!
Dondr encuentro los limpiadores de cañerías?vibo en Chile.
The little bunnies and carrots are adorable. I am going to make them for Easter presents. The pipe cleaner owl also will be a present for one of my cousins, she collects owls.