I am teaming up this week with Naptime Review and Two in Diapers for this exciting NEW series about motherhood.
Next week we will discuss
Siblings and sharing: Where do you draw the line between requiring sharing and allowing for personal space with certain toys?
Now on to this week’s topic!
Welcome! I’m Julie
over at Naptime
Review. I am a mom of 2 wild, crazy and beautiful girls. My oldest is
almost 4 and my baby just turned 1. This is how I handle cleaning up with my
I am really looking forward to
hearing all the other comments and tips. I really struggle with this issue and
I constantly feel like a drill sergeant with my oldest daughter. I have a Type A
personality and I am OCD when it comes to cleaning and messes. I really think
God blessed me with free spirited, creative and MESSY girls to teach me a
Here are some tips that have helped
me alleviate the craziness that clutter brings. I only clean my daughter’s
room on Sunday. I try not to let the mess that fills the room the minute after
“we” pick up her toys consume me. I also purchased large organization tubs at
Target. I just toss everything in and wheel into her closet and shut the door. We also pick up our toys in the playroom every
night before bed. If she is stalling, which she does, I set a timer. If her toys aren’t picked up when the timer
goes off, she loses TV after bath. Thankfully, the timer seems to motivate her.
I also
constantly remind my oldest that God gives us things and it’s our responsibility
to take care of them. I am trying to teach her appreciation for all the blessings in her life. So far, it seems to be in one ear and out the other, but that’s why I have 2 children right? All I have to do is sing the “clean up” song and the baby puts toys
away… for now. I am trying to train her young!
So what works for us is to not “stress the mess” and to purchase organizational tubs!

Hi! I’m Cassie from Two In Diapers, and I’m a mommy to three sweet babies, ages 4, 3, and 18
Getting the kids to clean up toys is actually a very recent topic of concern for
me. In 2008, I gave birth to a beautiful little baby girl named Emily, and then
our lives turned into a whirlwind of activity that included two more babies and
before I knew it, four years later, I was grudgingly cleaning up roomfuls
of toys during nap time while wistfully daydreaming about sitting on the
couch reading a novel. One day my mom snapped me back to reality by
pointing out that my littles were well old enough to be cleaning up after
themselves. Oh yeah, that one thing I’m supposed to be teaching them.
first method of getting the kids to clean up included some yelling, a bit of
bribing and lots of threatening. Fail. This left me with a messy house, three
cranky kids and lots of frustration.
I decided it was time to get
creative. Lately we’ve been finding many more ways to clean up that are much
more fun and exciting. For example, when cleaning up the blocks, we pick them up
by color. I let the kids pick which colors in what order. First, we might put all of
the red blocks into the basket, then the yellow and so on. Sometimes I let them
each pick a type of toy to be responsible for – such as Emily picking up
the books and Bentley picking up the toy cars. One of our very favorites,
however, is pulling out each basket in our family room and lining them up in the
middle of the floor. We then pick up each toy and try to toss it into the
correct basket. This usually results in lots of giggles, but you can bet the
toys get cleaned up!
One last thing, I have to say on this topic is that
the more organized your play area is, the better. Our small toy area is very
organized {you can view it here}. There is one
clearly-marked basket for each type of toy, and one basket for
miscellaneous toys. Everything has a home. The more confusing and chaotic a toy
space is, the more overwhelming it is for kids {and parents!} to clean
So I supposed my advice is – get organized and have fun!

My name is Casey Wiegand and I blog
over at CaseyLeigh. I am the mama of three kids. Aiden (3), Ainsleigh (2) and Apple (2 months). Even though I am an artist and free spirit…I like things to be organized, Another thing that helped was putting all of the toys in our family Lastly, I love having a family |

name) before I became a mom. During that time when it was just their older son,
I would clean up after him and never encourage him to clean. I didn’t because
it was a job that I got paid to do it.
When their daughter was born and as she got
older, I was out numbered and needed help with the disasters they created. So I
encouraged them to help me clean up. The older one was so used to me doing
everything that he just wouldn’t help. I had to say things like, “Oh your baby
sister is doing such a good job cleaning up, could you help her?” or “Let’s see
who can clean up the most” or “the fastest” etc. Cleaning eventually became
a part of his routine.
My suggestion? Get them started early where they are used
to it and it is just habit. My daughter knows what to do when I say let’s clean
up now and, although I have to go behind her, I feel I am setting her up for
good habits in the future. And she likes it because we try to make it a game.
She is even learning how to organize her toys now as well.
Hello! My name is Janine and I blog over at True Aim. I am a Mother of 3
under the age of 5. I also have a Home Preschool and teach 3 other children.
Here are 3 techniques that I use to
get my little ones to clean up their toys.
mess becomes too large, no one wants to clean it, including me. So, I have all
of our toys and books divided up into containers. The rule is that each child
may play with one container at a time. When they are done, they must put
everything back before moving on to the next container. This method is great
because at no point is the mess so large that it is unmanageable and our house
is always moderately clean – just in case the neighbors pop in!
2: Off to the Races! Often,
my kids would drag the cleaning of large messes out all day. As long as I was
watching they would clean, but the moment I left they would lose focus and begin
playing. Also, they all cleaned at a snail’s pass, hoping that if they waited
it out, one of their sibling would eventually finish the job without them. That
is why, instead of “cleaning a mess,” we head “off to the races!” I set a timer
and give everyone an area to clean up. Whoever cleans up their mess first wins
the race
3: Repossession or Reward? When my
children forget to put away their toys, I simply repossess them. Once a toy is
repossessed, my children must buy it back with Popsicle sticks or by doing an
extra chore. On the other hand, if they do keep their toys tidy, I reward them
with Popsicle sticks or an occasional

name’s Rachel from the blog, Lines
Across. I am a mom of two kids, Benjamin (3)
and Lyla (23 months). You can follow me on Facebook here.
As a crafty person living in a small
house with two young kids, two cats, and a husband, it’s definitely a struggle
to keep things clean. I almost always have some sort of project out on a desk or
tabletop. In fact, right now, I have a handful of balloons hanging from the
shutters in our kitchen.
That being said, I think that it is so
important to help teach your kids to clean up and be organized. We have made a
point of keeping the kids’ rooms clean and organized, and we want them to be a
part of it. For me, the most important part of this is having good storage for
toys. We got these bins from IKEA, and we
love them. Every toy has a place in one of these colorful bins. My son,
Benjamin, knows what toys go where, and he always wants to make sure that
everything is in the right place.
We try to encourage him to clean up the
toys he was playing with before he moves on to another room or another activity,
but sometimes we are in a hurry or forget to remind Benjamin. That’s why we have
made clean-up time a consistent part of bedtime… after brushing teeth and
right before we curl up and read a book together. It works well because my
little 3 year old is of course looking for ways to stall going to bed and is
always happy to help clean up his toys. Sometimes we even come up with games
like lego basketball, color sorting, counting, or a reenactment of an episode of
Thomas. Even though our house is never perfect, and there is always some chore
that needs to be done, it feels so good to tuck my kids in at night in clean and
organized rooms.
Your Turn:
I'm only 6 1/2 months pregnant with my first child so I'm glad I came across this post! I love the idea of the popsicle sticks system! I'm pretty organized myself and don't want things to get out of hand, train them young!
Lisa Fabry