Lately I’ve been drawn to the idea of color blocking (vibrant colors, repetitive shapes, often with white backdrops). It’s so bold, with so many possibilities, and it’s especially fun for the upcoming summer. If you’re not brave enough to wear this kind of striking outfit, you could incorporate the idea into your home, party, or craft.
Color blocked rainbow
via Wohn Idee
Color blocked Pantone kitchen cabinets
via Design Tea Party
Color blocked living area
DIY Color blocked shower curtain
via Martha Stewart
Color blocked living room
via Martha Stewart and Wolf Home
Color blocked kitchen
via Carly G Design
Color blocked wedding
Color block coiled rope basket
via Design Sponge
Color blocked nail art
You can even use the color blocked look in lots of crafts by displaying the same little project in different bold colors. Minieco has been doing that forever now, and I love how unique and recognizable each of her projects are. I have been trying to incorporate this style into my own projects lately.
via Minieco
Color blocked paper gift boxes
via Lines Across
Color block outfit
via Sterling Style
I LOVE color blocking and I love the examples you are showing! Inspiring!
I wish I could redo my entire house, adding bright pops of color every where. I don't even care if it looked like a rainbow, it would make me so happy…now to find the money for it!!!
Those rooms are amazing.
I love the bright colors, it makes everything look so great!
Oh I like this, esp. the first picture!! It would be really fun in an outfit too! 😉
I would love for you to share this on my linky party!
Thanks, Marcie
I couldn't do this with clothes but in little bits like some of the examples it's great. Now for others, I say they should all go for it. I'm much more accepting of such colorful eye candy when others do it over doing it myself. Yes, I'm a big chicken. bwock! bwok!
I wish I had the courage to wear color blocks because I love how it looks! Very inspiring 🙂