Yesterday was one of those days…
One of those days where I realized at 5:00 pm that I hadn’t eaten a bite all day
One of those days where Benjamin refused to nap
One of those days where he was then fussy the rest of the day
One of those days where I felt so tired all day and just wanted a break
One of those days when I went to the store only to forget the one important thing I actually needed
One of those days where I came back home to two naked and hungry babies
One of those days when I realized I probably need a full-time, live-in personal assistant
Yesterday was one of my favorite days.
Right when it was time to wind down and go to bed, Lyla and Benjamin both got into the best moods. We all sat and played together on the floor for half an hour.
Lyla stated saying Mama. MAMA. Benjamin is a mama’s boy and even he said dada a long time before he said mama. We have also confirmed that she uses it to mean me. Maybe it’s because she has a big brother around all the time calling me mommy to teach her. Here is a short clip of her saying mama (she was saying it more clearly earlier).
Benjamin was playing with his blocks and counted straight from 1 to ten without hesitating, skipping, or repeating. I think he has the math gene. I did not get a video of this…yet.
[Our video camera has a screen that flips out so Benjamin can watch himself. He loves to perform for the camera (haha, clearly something he got from Grant). It’s adorable but it’s getting to the point where every video I have of him is pretty much the same thing… him looking at the camera, saying dada and mommy, usually some jumping, and definitely some laughing. I am the annoying person in the video trying to distract him from this cute little show he is putting on to get him to count… oh well. He was way too busy to count at that point.]
Yay! There's nothing better than hearing that first Mama!
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